Yusuf's Story
In our October, 2019 visit we were able to secure the release of Yusuf Chingeni from Dedza prison. His release was nothing less than miraculous. Yusuf, who is a father of five children, was charged with recklessly causing a serious accident on the basis that he was traveling approximately 10 miles over the speed limit. He was charged with this despite the fact that the accident happened at night, an oncoming car had their high beams on that blinded him, and the vehicle he struck did not have any lights.
His release could only be secured through the payment of $200 ($100 for restitution and$100 fine), which was required to be paid no later than the date we were at Dedza. Without this payment, he would be required to serve significant prison time. After we completed our interview, Yusuf informed our team that his sister, Grace, had just finished visiting him and had raised half the funds for his release. We obtained Grace’s number from Yusuf and was able to reach her just before she boarded a bus back to Lilongwe. When Grace returned to the prison, she informed us that she had raised $100 for Yusuf’s release and had brought the funds with her that day. When we informed her that we would provide the remaining $100 for her brother to be released, she fell to her knees, raised her hands up, lifted her head to the sky and exclaimed “Thank you Jesus”. Her purse tipped over in the process and out slide a well-read Bible.
This took us by surprise because Yusuf was clearly Muslim. It turns out that Grace is the only Christian in her family and is regularly persecuted as a result. Yet, she was the one who Yusuf called when he needed help and was the only family member to regularly visit him in prison. She explained that she showed up to the prison that day with money in hand believing that God would provide the remaining amount. Once Yusuf was released, we drove him and Grace back to Lilongwe. It turns out that they live in the same neighborhood and within walking distance as Triza who works under Pastor Charles. Triza regularly ministers to their family and many of them have accepted Christ. We never know how God will show up when we travel to Malawi, but He always does. Yusuf’s story is just one of the many since we first visited Malawi in 2015.